Sunday, October 15, 2006

To comment or not to .

I just read a blog before writing this blog of mine. It was about a person's thinking.It was a good article from a writer's point of view but i dont think that there should be any comment on that blog.It was a blog and naturally comments are due to come,but the person commenting should consider the fact that its the person's individual thinking and no one can say anything about what a person should think and what he shouldn't .Even if the commenter comments for the wellbeing of the writer but still the writer has considered blogging as a platform to express his views to outer world which he would have avoided to express normally.The writer might be feeling something abt a thing in his way and from his point of view the thing might be at a different position as compared to the commenter ,so the commenter has no write to critisize a person or to praise him as a wrong word can cause a let down or can cause a sense of overconfidence among a guy.
And as far as i m concerned i feel it a real nuisance to impose our thinking to a person who is quite sure about his thoughts and how he is affected by them.

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