Saturday, October 07, 2006

A normal day...

Today i am happy a bit ,today i played one of satisfying roles in volleyball court and played cricket a bit . It is usual to for me to play quite well at the court but today it was special i did not played outstandingly but managed to squeeze through some smart points for our team.Any outdoor sport has at any time given me pleasure no matter what the sport is i have always enjoyed playing sports.Its been quite a long time playing s cricket in bangalore ,however i played it today.Finally i m happy.On the other hand any indoor sport has always screwed me and as usual i am completely screwed by playing carrom at evening.
One more thing today i used my ICICI atm card for the first time .i have been using Sbi atm card normally and its not a big problem to withdraw money.But my first encounter with ICICI was not good at all .I withdrew abt 4000rs and hell half of the notes got stuck in the machine itself even the security shooked his hand off saying he can't do anything .So eventually i had to use all of my fingering skills to remove each note forcefully out of the machine.(It was hell for me as not even my a single finger of mine was entering the slot ).The best part was i skipped the entire part of our TCOM session.
So finally it was another normal day at Ncst

1 comment:

Sanyam said...