Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My Cherishable moments at NCST.

Today its almost 2.5 months since i had been to NCST .Its quite an interesting journey for me.Every day here in NCST has been a bag full of surprises to me.Every passing moment i can feel new and new excitements waiting for me.So far its a dream journey for me ,no harsh failures ,no let downs and most noteworthy a whole lot of trustful friends.Even if i state the entire stay at NCST distinctly in each blog it would make an exciting blog indeed,but today i feel to tell you the most cherishable moments that i felt here it gives me a hell of pleasure to venture into those eternal memories.
Clearing my second MGPA can be considered one of the most distinct memory of my study life over here.I was a bitr let down by my first MGPA performance as i failed to complete problem in less time.No matter did i cleared the first problem easily but i was about 20 minutes late then what i expected.I however managed to clear my second MGPA in less than 15 minutes ,and the moment i saw all 'Y' in parikshak i felt the joy i had come to feel to in NCST.It was like achieving what i had planned and receiving all as per the plan.
I had never been a keen listener during lectures but my secondmost cherishable moment is related to lectures.It was a lecture of our DSAL professor.I had previously attended his lecture one time before but as i m not a keen listener i never paid attention to it .But this lecture was a special one it was abt some data structure in JAVA.I was as usual un-attentive ,but the way he taught us made me realize what i had been looking for in a teacher ever since.Eventough i was unattentive -the way he teached -by the end i got what he said ...every single concept.I had never attended any really great person in my life( except politicians...great people ..what the hell!) but seeing our sir teaching in that lecture made me feel that i met with the idol i should have in my life .
One of the most interesting memories that i cherish is of the trip that we had to nandi hills.
I have already written a blog over it.But i can't complete this blog without mentioning it .I don't say that it was an outstanding trip in my entire life but certainly it was a special trip for me .......... i don't know why.I had been to trips before but this was special really special.I enjoyed the entire trip within last 1 hr but felt the pleasure i never had felt at NCST with my friends.
Well these are very few memories of mine over here but trust me here at NCST my life has much much much more excitement and moments to cherish.Maybe i will traverse through them quiet some other time.

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