Friday, October 13, 2006

Friends at NCST

Its almost 2 months in NCST, it has been good experience so far.Initially it was a bit of absurd feeling to be here away from home but now i am adapted here quite well ...thanks to friends over here.
Being a calm natured person i never found it difficult to be with admirable persons.But here at NCST i have a bit different experience.I never trusted persons instantly prior to this but here in NCST i dont know why ,whomever i met i immediately start to trust him.My friends here in Ncst are the prime reason for me being at comfort in NCST. The list goes quite long but i would few of my favourites .
The most interesting person that i met throughout my career belongs to NCST.He is from allahabad .He has a quite distinct way of speaking to people .His ascent in particular is worth mentioning .If you talk to that person for a couple of time ...then he can be one of the most amazing person you ever met.He has a great sense of humour .Whenever i fell troubled and if i visit him once matter how depressed i m ..i feel a bit uplifted.He is one of the few people that i do admire a lot at NCST.
The most antique friend of mine is the "ROCK".Really if you see him the only thing that you can think of is a rock.He has a extreme body build and what can you say about his voice if there is a voice that rocks NCST then undoubtedly it is the voice of the rock itself .He is a bit Psycho type of personality.Hell you wanna see anyone nervous ..... watch him after MGPA
if he fails to clear his MGPA then you can get all the divine psychology of a person you ever knew about.And if clears his MGPA then you need a real endurance to hear him.He will literally quote his entire logic in front of you and will keep quoting until you get all of it.Even tough he is a rock he is a senti sort of guy .He does become emotional sometimes .If i trust a person as a good friend and a good person then he certainly leads the way.Its quiet a good bewildered feeling to be with him as a friend.....nothing more to express him in words.
One of the good friends that i have is a bit mixed type of unpredicted chatacter .You can never guess what his mood after a couple of hours. If he is a joyous at this moment I bet you can never predict his face after 2 hrs.I won't say much abt him .I feel i don't know him much.

Well that's only a few ...but still the list goes on and on .

1 comment:

Sanyam said...

Love to see your thoughts