Saturday, September 02, 2006

The day i got evaluated

hello everybody,
Hopefully you are still with me and still you haven't onsidered my blog as worth visiting.So far
i haven't seen any aparent changes in myself but still i would love giving blogging another chance.
Today we had a session on TCOM evaluaton.This was my first evaluation so i wasn't actually feeling the pressure .But as the session started hell my heart was in mouth.In this session we were supposed to select a topic and speak on it for about 5-6 minutes.Most of them had already prepared and come for the lecture but as usual i was careless and went without preparation.
As people started speaking on their topics i was quite confused on speaking about any topic.But finally i decided to speak on Quatum physics and decided my topic.Well i made all the points that i was supposed to say but at the final moment someone spoke about a topic that hurt me a lot negatives in NCST(hell i felt like choke-slamming that guy).So again something went through my mind and i decided to speak on merits of NCST.But i guess destiny had other plans in her mind.My turn came and i started to speak on Quatum physics and ended up the speech with Merits of NCST.(i guess most of the guys were shaken up and the Quantum physics part almost was a bouncer for few ).That's how unreliable life can be things most of the time don't go as you plan with.

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