Monday, September 25, 2006

Vanished motivation......

hey guys,
Today i failed in my second consecutive MGPA.It was not that difficult problem probably i could solve it anytime.But still i failed to do it when it mattered most.When i entered NCST i had the desire to clear all the MGPA's but now somehow my desire has just vanished as smoke .It all started when i failed my 6th MGPA.On that day i was brought back to ground by
parikshak.My complacency after clearing 6 MGPA's has just costed me my dreams.As i failed to clear last MGPA i have started feeling a bit let down ,the moral that i had ,the motivation i used to get before MGPA's has faded away.Now i have even started to feel that it's worthless to clear the rest of MGPa's as there is by no way a means to gain my desire back .I can never have the feeling of clearing all the MGPA's .
I know that my next mgpa is on friday but i have a terribly hectic schedule .I feel the continous work and insufficient rest has started affecting my energy.Continous Programming has sapped my energy.
One friend of mine came to me a minute before and i swear i can't recognize a single word he said ............gosh i have started to become a nerd or what.....probably i should stop at this moment its really started to become a bit heavy for me now.

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