Sunday, March 11, 2007

Review Worth forgetting....

Hi guys,
Once more i m back with my feelings.As usual this feelings correspond to irritation more than anything else.Yesterday we had our ER review,one word that i would think after the overall review was ..SHIT.... .Prior to this course i never had DBMS as my subject so i had no prior knowledge of DBMS .Naturally i had to read a lot before going into the review .I did as much i could read and went for the review.I was expecting some sort of discrepancy in my knowledge before going to the review but when i faced the review i just felt to be torn apart .I was told to do what was not supposed to be a part of RDBMS....shit ...a real piece of shit.If i was supposed to do that what the hell in this world made them to think that they are teaching us RDBMS.I agree that i m ignorant about most of things in RDBMS but what i know is certainly right and not just a fake concept .Yesterday i felt the vaccum in the NCST's reputation as a good teaching institute.
At this moment i m the PL of our group and frankly speaking i m not at all certain about the nature of our projects fate , if the curator himself tries to become predator then what destiny can a survivor have .
Yesterday we didnt even cover all our ER review.After all the stuff that our group underwent yesterday i am now feeling in no man's land ...not knowing where to go ,but still my nature is forcing me to stay on what i feel right and not to be deviated towards anything else no matter if anyone else feels it wrong ....and till i feel it right...

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